
to Kivistö Pharmacy

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offers »

Special Opening Hours:

Independence Day 6.12 12-16
Christmas Eve 24.12 9-12
Christmas Day 25.12 closed
Boxing Day 26.12 12-16
New Year's Eve 31.12 12-16
New Year's Day 1.1 12-16


Welcome to our new website!

We are delighted to see how actively our website is used!
We decided to create a better and fresher browsing experience in collaboration with Tagomo at our web address. What do you think?

From now on, you will see current matters right away from the social media section of our website, and you can view product availability information from its own tab.
Contact form can be found on our renewed website as well, and through it, you can send us feedback or questions.

And don't forget to check out the amazing Black Friday offers from the “Current” tab!

Happy surfing!

Your own neighborhood pharmacy in Vantaa's Kivistö

We are more than a pharmacy.

Kivistö Pharmacy is the local pharmacy for Kivistö residents, where you can come for pleasant pharmacy errands almost every day! We are part of the Local Pharmacies chain, known for its domestic quality, high standards, and commitment to local community.

We offer more than traditional pharmacy services – we support your well-being, as part of healthcare. As Pharmacy on the Move, you get advice from us on exercise and a more active lifestyle for your health. A dental clinic also operates in our premises weekly, and at the Health Point, you can book an appointment with a nurse for various measurements and for Synlab's laboratory sample collection.

Come pick up prescription and over-the-counter medicines, renew prescriptions, find quality pharmacy cosmetics, and explore our other services. Our super-friendly staff is here to help you happily!

Welcome ›


Monthly offers

Multi-tabs Man Monivitamiini 60 tabl. Multi-tabs Man 50+ Monivitamiini 60 tabl. Multi-tabs Woman Monivitamiini 60 tabl. Multi-tabs Woman 50+ Monivitamiini 60 tabl.

11,90 €

0,20 e/tabl.

(sh. 16,10 e)


APTEEKKI FluAcute Yskä 20 ml

Hillitsee yskänärsytystä ja rauhoittaa ärtynyttä nielua.

9,90 €

0,50 e/ml

(sh. 13,45 e)


Berocca Energy Orange 45 poretabl.

Vitamiini- ja kivennäisainevalmiste.

20,90 €

0,46 e/tabl.

(sh. 25,50 e)

Omega-7 90 kaps.

Kaksoistyrniöljykapselit limakalvojen hyvinvointiin.

32,90 €

0,37 e/kaps.

(sh. 46,75 e)

Möller Tupla 100 kaps.

Kalaöljyvalmiste sisältää omega-3-rasvahappoja sekä A-, D- ja E-vitamiinia.

Kuukauden supertarjous

14,90 €

0,15 e/kaps.

(sh. 25,10 e)

Melarest 1,9 mg 100 tabl. Melarest 1,9 mg Mint 100 tabl. Melarest 1,9 mg Pitkävaikutteinen 90 tabl. Melarest Tripla 60 tabl.

Auttaa lyhentämään nukahtamisaikaa.

21,50 €

0,22 e, 0,24 e ja 0,36 e/tabl.

(sh. 28,30 e)

Bethover Vahva B12 120 tabl. (mansikka ja vadelma-sitruuna) Bethover Vahva B12 100 kaps.

Sisältää B-vitamiineja, erityisesti B12-vitamiinia ja foolihappoa.

26,90 €

0,22 e/tabl. ja 0,27 e/kaps.

(sh. 33,90 e)

Rela Tabs 90 tabl. (mansikka, sitruuna ja salmiakki-lakritsi) Rela Caps 90 kaps. Rela Tabs Appelsiini + D3 90 tabl.

Maitohappobakteerit päivittäiseen käyttöön.

27,50 €

0,31 e/tabl.

(sh. 35,10 e)

Minisun D-vitamiini 50 μg 200 tabl. (neutraali, kuningatar ja metsämansikka)

Vahva D-vitamiini, kun keho tarvitsee erityistä tukea.

22,50 €

0,11 e/tabl.

(sh. 29,20 e)

Nasolin A-vitamin nenäsuihke 10 ml (neutraali, sitruuna-mentoli ja timjami-eukalyptus) Nasolin kosteuttava nenäsuihke 20 ml

Kosteuttavia ja hoitavia nenäsuihkeita.

8,90 €

0,89 e ja 0,45 e/ml

(sh. 10,10 e)

Bevita Eye A-silmävoide 5 g Bevita Eye Pro tipat pullo 10 ml

Lievittää kuivasilmäisyyden oireita.

12,90 €

2,58 e/g ja 1,29 e/ml

(sh. 17,05 e)

Multivita Ascorbin Long 500 mg 200 tabl.

Pitkävaikutteinen nieltävä C-vitamiini.

17,90 €

0,09 e/tabl.

(sh. 23,80 e)

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